The Trusted Homebuyer was found by Martin Boonzaayer back in 2008. He realized that the traditional housing market did not fit everyone’s need when it came to selling their house. Everybody has a unique life situation. Are you experiencing the following: you need to sell your house fast in Saint Petersburg because of foreclosure, medical bills, death of a loved one, low equity, to many repairs, or you just need to relocate?
If so, then welcome the future of selling your house or what we like to call it the “selling your house 2.0”. Martin had one goal when he created The Trusted Homebuyer—to create a home selling process that is tailored to your needs. The way this works is the all-cash offer. The benefits of the cash offer are no fees, you get to sell your house in as-is condition, and you can close in 7-Days. This means is no more waiting through the months of uncertainty, making expensive renovations, and getting cash in just 7 days.
We get it, sometimes a once cherished home turns into a financial burden. Whatever the situation that you are facing we are confident that we can make an offer that suits your situation. Go check out
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